Thursday, 25 March 2010

New Burmese Babies!

Molly gave birth to NINE kittens last Thursday night (18th March) - sadly the final little girl was stillborn and the firstborn boy died within 24 hours,  but the remaining 7 seem to be doing well so far.

There are 2 girls (both lilac) and 5 boys (3 chocolate, 2 lilac).  Molly is a wonderful mum and seems to really enjoy having the babies.

Here are some photos taken at 3 days old.


As you can imagine, it's not easy to tell them apart, hence the coloured "collars".

I will post more photos as they grow.

Oh and as a follow up from last time,   Alice did not become pregnant, but hasn't called again since Mickey mated her -  ho hum.......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your babies and glad that they and Molly are doing well!