2 weeks ago I signed up as a distributor with Wikaniko (acronym for "we can eco"), a new UK company dedicated to providing eco friendly products and services. I came across the opportunity quite by chance, via HTMail (I usually delete everything I get from them as I only want the payment for reading their emails!)
Wikaniko started in September 2008 and is already growing rapidly - there are over 700 products available, many of them are things you'd buy regularly anyway, like cleaning products, bin bags, toiletries etc. All delivered to your door! There is also a range of organic makeup, lots of great Aloe Vera products and so much more besides. I can't see how anyone could fail to be impressed. The website also has an absolute plethora of useful information to help you "go green" and save money.
Visit www.greenandpleasant.biz
for further information and to buy products.
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