He is still very shy and is changing his coat at the moment - his front half is new, sleek coat but the back half is still fluffy kitten coat! Goodness knows what effect the change of climate will have, but hopefully his colour will even out to a nice pale milk chocolate eventually.
I have kept a chocolate boy from Molly's litter - his name is Sid (Vervain Mocha-Sidamo) and he looks quite promising so far - I would like to take him to a show or two if I get the chance. Here is Sid - I love his wide muzzle, and his nose is short although he does have the dreaded roll-off! Eye colour & shape not bad either :)

Alice's kittens are 7 weeks old now and doing well - they are eating well and very playful. I'll be getting them vaccinated at the end of this week if all goes according to plan. My main concern is being able to find homes for them, as I've had no serious enquiries so far, but then I haven't actually advertised them yet!

Finally - Greg has been neutered and has now gone back to his previous owner, Lynn. I took him there last Thursday and was astonished to see that he seemed to recognise the house - he walked straight out of his carrier and headed upstairs, ignoring the 2 large Irish Setters! It has been a great privilege to have owned him for the last 15 months - I have very rarely met a stud with such an amazing temperament. I'm so glad he is now going to have a lovely life as a pampered pet!