Saturday, 5 June 2010

Ocicat Kittens!

I'm so pleased that my first Ocicat litter since October 2008 has arrived!  Alice has 5 beautiful babies,  born in the early hours of this morning.  The biggest surprise of all is that 3 of them are classic tabbies -  I have never had anything other than spotted kittens and I certainly didn't antiicipate that Alice would carry classic.  She appears to have inherited it through her grandmother's line.

There are 3 boys (2 silver classics and a chocolate spotted) and 2 girls (tawny classic and black silver spotted)

They were all a good weight at birth (mostly over 100g) and seem to be doing well so far.  Alice has had a lot of help from my lilac Burmese girl Cherry (again,  somewhat unexpected because they are not normally the best of friends!)

Here are the first pics of the new arrivals:

Ocicat Kittens!

I'm so pleased that my first Ocicat litter since October 2008 has arrived!  Alice has 5 beautiful babies,  born in the early hours of this morning.  The biggest surprise of all is that 3 of them are classic tabbies -  I have never had anything other than spotted kittens and I certainly didn't antiicipate that Alice would carry classic.  She appears to have inherited it through her grandmother's line.

There are 3 boys (2 silver classics and a chocolate spotted) and 2 girls (tawny classic and black silver spotted)

They were all a good weight at birth (mostly over 100g) and seem to be doing well so far.  Alice has had a lot of help from my lilac Burmese girl Cherry (again,  somewhat unexpected because they are not normally the best of friends!)

Here are the first pics of the new arrivals: