Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Kittens 11 days old

I took some more pics of Cherry's kittens today :) I wish the mackerel pattern on the blue girl would show up in the photos but I can't even see it visually now - her tail is well ringed though!

Good match on Sunday BTW - well worth staying at home for......

Saturday, 14 March 2009


I went to see my new Burmese stud today - he is a 3 1/2 year old chocolate boy called Greg. I am really looking forward to bringing him home - he is a lovely strong, muscular, well balanced boy with a wonderful temperament and superb short coat. He should be a great match for my girls - can't wait to see his kittens. I took my camera then stupidly forgot to ask if I could take pictures! Never mind - all will be revealed soon enough and I'll put his pedigree on my website. It's a very nice pedigree with a mix of recent and older lines - a good outcross for my girls and not above the average inbreeding for UK Burmese.

Am not now going to the Asian BAC meeting tomorrow - so I won't miss the England / France match after all! Of course I may well be wishing that I had missed it by this time tomorrow.........
If England can keep 15 men on the field for the whole match that'd at least be an improvement. And thankfully we won't have the dreaded Kaplan refereeing (as he did the Ireland/Scotland match today!)

Cherry's kittens are a week old and seem to be doing well - all have at least doubled their birth weight and some have their eyes open. The blue Self girl has a ghost mackerel pattern - and it's a genuine mackerel with narrow stripes!!

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Gold Top?

I wondered if Cherry is producing it, her kittens have all put on approximately 20g today. All seem to be doing well so far - can't wait for their eyes to open so I can start to get an idea of the overall type. Will post more pics later in the week.

As I'll now be at home most of the weekend, I should hopefully get everything up to date with BAC paperwork and the Lincoln schedule - plus I'll also be able to watch the England/France match (I might regret saying that on Sunday)!!

Sunday, 8 March 2009

If you shop online........

I have added a new link under "Sites to Visit" - take a look, it's a great way to earn a bit of money whenever you shop online. You get cashback if you visit your regular shopping sites via Greasy Palm, and if you shop online as much as I do, it soon mounts up!
You can then refer your friends and earn even more :)

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Blog settings updated

Have been discovering a few things in Blogger today - you can now subscribe to this blog via RSS, and/or become a "Follower" if you so wish. I'll be publishing my show reports on here starting with my next show (Camcat) so if you'd like to be updated with new reports as soon as I upload them, subscribe to the RSS feed in google reader or alternative. (see RSS link on right hand side)

Kitten pics

Here's a couple of pics of Cherry and her kittens taken this afternoon. The blue Self certainly stands out :)) Typical - I should have got 50% silver and 50% full expression colour, I don't think there are any silvers and only the one full expression......... sometimes I wonder whether it's worth it!!

Cherry has her babies!

Good news - Cherry had her babies last night between 10.30pm & 1.30am.......... 5 kittens, 3 boys / 2 girls. Colours still to be decided once I get a look in decent daylight, but I know for sure that the last born is a striking blue Self girl - the first one ever for me!
Dad (Kimba) was with Cherry in the early stages of labour but beat a hasty retreat once things got a bit hectic............

Pics to follow later, I hope :)