I WAS HACKED!! Have been online since 1995 so I suppose it had to happen sooner or later......... at about 1.30pm today I received loads of "undeliverable mail" messages, and it seems that someone had hijacked my email address to send out a spam mail about some Chinese electronics supplier! This went to everyone in my contacts list, which is a LOT of people. So apologies if you were one of the unlucky ones.............
I checked for viruses and spyware - nothing at all, which at least reassures me that Zone Alarm is doing a good job. Problem is that my mail account is now locked and I cannot send anything. According to the help files it should only last 24 hours or so - I do hope that's the case.
Kittens are doing well and 2 are now over 1kg. (they were 10 weeks old yesterday). First vaccinations last Thursday and no apparent problems thank goodness. It is now extremely difficult to get good photos as they just will not stay still long enough - they have the run of the house during the day now, and have found several cosy places to sleep (when they do sleep!)
I'm hoping to get some help tomorrow so I can get some decent pics to post on here, so watch this space!
Feline pituitary adenomas
4 years ago